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“Think like a wise man, but communicate in the language of the people”. This quote by William Butler Yeats sums up the need for individuals to be proficient communicators. The largest suite of MJI’s training programmes focus on equipping and empowering individuals to become proficient communicators. The facilitators utilise time-tested methodologies and proven communication models to reinforce the key concepts that frame the various programme titles that make up this integral learning palette.


The art of effective listening

PC01- Becoming A Better Communicator


Mastering good communication skills is a necessity these days in our dynamic business landscape. The ability to engage others in getting your ideas clearly communicated, influencing customers, exercising better listening skills and knowing how to project a good image through the use of body language are vital components that every person needs. This highly experiential workshop will equip participants with these important skill sets.



•Learn how to communicate effectively and get direct responses from people - subordinates, customers and friends

•Discover your own temperament styles and understand how to use this knowledge to improve interpersonal relations

•Prevent as many conflicts as possible through better interpersonal relationships

•Understand yourself better and why people are different

•Learn to work better in a group setting with effective group communication skills

PC02- Becoming An Assertive Communicator


Assertiveness is an essential skill in communication. The ability to choose and make appropriately direct and tactful statements or requests vs. less desirable forms of communication can be learned and developed with awareness and practice. This workshop will equip you with the necessary skills to become a more assertive communicator.



•Understand the importance of assertive communication

•Learn the difference between assertive and aggressive behaviour

•Overcome personal roadblocks to assertiveness

•Learn the strategies and techniques that will transform them into assertive communicators

•Learn how to employ assertive skills when dealing with difficult people

PC03- Different Strokes For Different People & Communicating Better Via The DISC


Different Strokes for Different People will empower participants by giving them a better awareness of their own unique personality and communication styles. The learning is based on the DISC psychometric tool for determining human cognitive behaviour and temperaments. Participants are taken through a journey of self-discovery by understanding themselves and also learn how to become more adaptable communicators.



•Understand the role that temperaments play in communication

•Discover your own unique temperament and personality

•Learn how to identify temperaments and use this newly acquired skill in interacting better with people around you

•Understand why people are different and relate to them better

•Learn different approaches to motivate, influence and communicate better with different types of personalities

PC04- Effective Presentation Skills (Basic Competency Level)


Everyday, people find themselves in front of an audience presenting their thoughts and ideas. For business professionals, educators and others, the process related to delivering a compelling presentation is often fraught with frustration. This course will supply all the hands-on instruction and practical tools you need to design and delivery effective presentations.



•Learn to become an effective and confident speaker

•Master the basic presentation skill sets

•Learn how to create successful presentations

•Learn how to draw the listener into your story

•Structure & organize your presentations better

PC05- Becoming A Polished Presenter (Advanced Competency Level)


Even skilled presenters will have one or two nightmare scenarios where things don’t go according to plan. Or perhaps the audience is more hostile and disengaged. This advanced level programme will help presenters further hone their public speaking skills Topics such as speaking off the cuff, delivering a persuasive argument and handling the challenging questions and answer segment will be covered.



•Understand the process of preparing for a presentation and the various considerations involved in the preparation phase

•Tailor presentations to address specific levels of audience

•Deliver complex and persuasive type of presentations

•Identify ways to engage different type of audiences

•Learn how to overcome audience resistance and get buy-in from the audience

PC06- MBTI: How To Work More Effectively


The programme is centred on improving work effectiveness through Type learning and application, based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator system. This interactive workshop through the Indicator will help you gain a better understanding of differences in a team and help you consolidate these differences and leverage on each other's strengths for organizational success.



•Understand the concept of MBTI and its impact in behavior and communication

•Know their own personality profile

•Have a clear understanding of their own behavior preferences

•Learn how to complement our differences for greater team effectiveness and the creation of synergistic relationships

•Apply the MBTI to communicate better with others

PC07 - Effective Communication and Relationship Management


Communication and Relationship Management (CRM) are essential skills in the workplace that enhance the effectiveness of an individual in an organisation. This programme will enhance the communication and influencing ability of the participants through understanding human behaviour and enable individuals at the various occupational levels to build rapport and relationships among colleagues, stakeholders and customers.



•Understanding behaviour types and its impact in interpersonal and team communication

•Learn how to appreciate the differences in a team and leverage off these differences to work better as a team

•Understand the Do's and Dont's of effective team communication

•Build rapport and relationships among colleagues, stakeholders and customers

PC08-  Negotiating for Success


This course is ideal for professionals wanting to learn how to use negotiation to improve the quality of their work, helping them understand the importance of negotiation and harness specific negotiation techniques. They will also benefit from experiential active learning and understand the characteristics of well-executed negotiations in specific work scenarios.



•Identify your personal negotiation style

•Understand common mistakes made when negotiating

•Learn how to deal with different types of negotiators (one to one, tri-partied or multi-partied negotiations)

•Use effective negotiation tactics and strategies

PC09 - The Psychology Of Persuasion And Influencing Others


This workshop will provide participants with psychological and practical skills to help one achieve success at work and addresses the skills to defend against the influence of others.



•Understand how and what do people think when they want something

•Learn how to use and analyse information gathered to influence others

•Learn and apply evidence-based skills to persuade and influence others in appropriate ways

•Learn how to develop empathic listening skills

PC10- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) At The Workplace


This workshop helps individuals identify with their emotions and teaches them how to harness their positive emotions in dealing with others at their workplace. Individuals will realize their importance of investing in their emotional banks to improve relationships and find meaning in what they do, leaving with a higher EQ that has also helped many become more productive at work as well as achieve success at the workplace.



•Understand the concept of Emotional Intelligence and the factors associated with it.

•Discover their own current level of Emotional Intelligence.

•Have a clear awareness of which factor(s) they need to improve on.

•Learn how to improve each of the factors of Emotional Intelligence.

•Learn how to apply Emotional Intelligence the workplace especially when working with others.

PC11- Advance EQ Skills


Participants will learn critical skills to understand the origins of emotions and how to use sucj information to understand selves and others at a deeper level, so as to initiate and motivate positive relationships in the workplace. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn how to create optimism and become effective contributors at the workplace and become more personable when engaging with others either at the social or professional level.



•Understand the importance of emotions in the workplace

•Appreciation for the role of emotional expression

•Understanding the internal basis of behaviour

•Apply optimism to personal and professional relationships

•Using counselling skills to engage and create open discussions

PC12- Adaptive Communication & Customizing Your Communication Style For Better Outcomes


This workshop aims to help participants discover and enhance their communication techniques by learning to become more adaptable. Participants will be brought through a journey to discover their own unique communication style. They will also be equipped with skills and techniques to start them on the journey to becoming a persuasive and dynamic communicator.



•Discover your unique communication style and approach

•Understand self-perceptions and others perceptions of you.

•Learn how to become a more adaptive communicator for better outcomes.

•Understand the different approaches and strategies when it comes to influencing, motivating and communicating with different personalities.

•Learn how to communicate strategically

PC13- Advanced Interpersonal And Communication Skills


Participants will be taken through a journey of self-awareness and self-improvement. This workshop will equip participants with critical skills such as Emotional Intelligence Development, Coaching and Nurturing skills, Influencing skills, Communicating and Managing Change as well as a variety of other essential communication skill sets.



•Take their communication skills to a higher level

•Communicate and manage change effectively

•Master the principles of coaching, nurturing and motivation

•Learn the significance of EQ in today's work environment

•Build collaborative relationships based on trust, commitment and credibility

PC14- People Reading Skills


The need for a better understanding of oneself and others is crucial in today's fast paced business environment. Today's work environment demands a greater sense of interpersonal effectiveness in order to succeed. Participants will be taught basic psychological profiling skills to help them better read the behaviour and intentions of people around them. Topics such as understanding the link of a person's values and principles to their behaviour and attitudes and the ability to understand the psychological make-up of others will be covered. This ability and knowledge will give you a much better chance of success in your people interactions, even with difficult people.



•Understand psychological types and preferences

•Discover your own unique temperament and behavioural blend through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

•Learn how to identify the thoughts and emotional scanners that drives behaviour

•Learn how to identify the emotional stressors in yourself and others

•Learn observational and questioning techniques on how to people read

PC15- The Art Of Conflict Management


This course aims to outline the elements of conflict management and resolution. The scope of the content will include negotiation strategies and mediation. You will also learn, through role-playing and video presentations, how to manage and arbitrate in situations where the parties concerned are unable to find resolution.



•Definition and myths on conflict management

•Identification of the types of conflicts

•Identification of the appropriate conflict resolution style

•Discover your own unique conflict resolution style

•Learn strategies to pre-empt or avoid conflict

PC16- Dealing With Challenging People Interactions


In the course of our work and lives, we may come across difficult people who pose a significant challenge for us to interact and communicate with. They could be your internal or external customers. This programme will share practical techniques and strategies to help you manage these interactions better. Topics such as learning how to manage your emotions and understanding how to calm the other person down will be taught. This programme is highly practical and realistic life and work scenarios will be shared with participants.



•Identify their personal strengths and weaknesses in communicating with others

•Identify and deal effectively with difficult personalities

•Learn how to turn a situation into a win-win scenario

•Identify potential roadblocks when dealing with people

•Employ approaches to improve communicating with difficult people

PC17- Communicating Better As A Team


The programme is centred on improving work effectiveness through Type learning and application, based on the DISC Personality profiling tool. This interactive workshop will help you gain a better understanding of your behavioural preferences as well as the behaviour preferences of your team members.



•Understanding behaviour types and its impact in interpersonal and team communication

•Know their own personality profile

•Identify the traits and characteristics of other personality types, including the strengths and weakness

•Learn how to appreciate the differences in a team and leverage off these differences to work better as a team

•Learn how to complement our differences for greater team effectiveness and the creation of synergistic relationships

PC18 - Cross Culture Communication


Our experience shows that significant business time, energy and effort is wasted through misunderstandings and miscommunication caused by failure to understand and resolve the difference between national, corporate and functional cultures at work. The program moves beyond cross-cultural understanding into applications – how do we improve out cross cultural meetings, how do we motivate and manage people from a different cultural backgrounds, how we negotiate cross-culturally.



•Understand the concept of culture and avoid the pitfalls of ethnocentrism and stereotyping

•Know the importance of cross cultural appreciation for the success of business

•Identify the different cultural dimensions and the fundamental concerns of all cultures

•Enhance cross cultural communication with greater cross cultural awareness

•Learn how to avoid pitfalls of doing business across cultures

PC19- Enneateam Synergy


Participants will learn critical skills to understand the origins of emotions and how to use sucj information to understand selves and others at a deeper level, so as to initiate and motivate positive relationships in the workplace. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn how to create optimism and become effective contributors at the workplace and become more personable when engaging with others either at the social or professional level.



•Understand the importance of emotions in the workplace

•Appreciation for the role of emotional expression

•Understanding the internal basis of behaviour

•Apply optimism to personal and professional relationships

•Using counselling skills to engage and create open discussions

PC20- Winning With Words: The Art Of Verbal Agility


Participants will learn steps to conducting effective conversations with the end in mind and strategies to develop a wider repertoire of words, phrases and sentences. Participants will also learn strategies to develop effective questions to use together with the two reframing processes – Context and Content Reframing.



•Testing Beliefs and Assumptions of self and others

•Increase verbal influence through identifying the structure of Context and Content Reframing

•Develop skills for verbal agility through play with words

•Develop strategies to frame conversations to achieve outcome (e.g. reduce conflict, increase sales, getting approval/buy-in on proposal, understanding customer needs)

•Understand personal frame of mind and conversational frame

PC21- Body Talk: Understanding And Reading Body Language


Nonverbal Communication accounts to up to 90% of the meaning of a message. In this informative workshop, you will learn to read body language through practical experience, role-modelling and discussion. This is no ordinary program! You will walk out feeling you’ve been given a new “body language” radar that picks up all of the non-verbal communications you may otherwise have missed. This workshop will fulfil your needs. Through practice, discussion, and one-on-one coaching, you’ll develop awareness that will give you the competitive edge!



•Create a positive first impression with your body language

•Know what a customer is thinking, but not saying

•Know the differences in the way people communicate nonverbally

•Know what to do when someone isn’t listening to you

•Know what others want and what you can expect from them

PC22- The Art Of Effective Listening


Today’s work environment is filled with the complexities of diversity, deadlines, meetings and many more demands. All these things can lead to stress that may be compounded when there is not a clear line of communication. Simply hearing what someone is telling you is not enough. This highly interactive and practical workshop will give you the skills to strategically listen and become an active listener. Participants will additionally undergo a personalized listening assessment which will determine for them their personal listening profile.



•Identify the barriers to listening and the usual causes of poor listening

•Comprehend the relationship between attentive, active and strategic listening

•Frame their listening behaviour by being able to determine their own behaviour style as well as how to determine the behaviour style of others

•Learn how to use the verbal and non-verbal techniques to project appropriate listening and responses to the speakers

•Know their personal listening profile to identify listening strengths and gaps

Becoming A Better Communicator
Becoming an Assertive Comm
Different Strokes for Different People communicating better via disc
Effective Presentation Skills
Becoming A Polished Presenter
MBTI : How to work more effectively
Effective Comm & Relationship management
Negotiating for Success
The psychology of persuasion and influencing others
EQ at the Workplace
Advance EQ Skills
Adaptive Comms & Customising your communication style for better outcomes
Advanced Interpersonal & communication skills
People Reading Skills
The Art of Conflict Mgt
Dealing With Challengig People interactions
Communicating Better as a Team
Cross Culture Communication
Enneateam Synergy
Winning With Words : The art of verbal agility
Body Talk
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